Friday, January 20, 2012

Twelve month stats

Today was Robby's 1 year appointment.

He weighs 21 lbs 13 oz (34th percentile), is 29.5 inches tall (39th percentile), and his head is 18.5 inches around (67th percentile). He's a little guy. Neither of us were big babies so I wasn't expecting him to weigh much.

He is doing all of the 12 month things and most of the 18 month things! His gross and fine motor skills are all perfect as are all of the cognitive skills (that we have actually done with him). I was surprised at some of the things that I was supposed to be doing with him. I've done the few this afternoon that I hadn't done before and he's already caught on and is doing them well. Who knew you were supposed to put a rock in a clear plastic bottle and make sure your child can point to it?? I sure didn't! We also haven't given him anything to scribble with/on. Apparently we were supposed to have done that. He can now, we just had never done it before. Nothing like going to your child's checkup to make you feel like a horrible parent! :-)

As we were looking to see when Robby's next appointment and immunizations would be (15 months) we realized we will be bringing Charlie in for his 2 month appointment and immunizations at the same time! How crazy is that??

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