Monday, August 8, 2011

Morning Walks

Since we live in an apartment complex, in order for me and Robby to go for walks in the mornings it's kind of an ordeal. First, we get up around 6:30-7 to try and leave the apartment between 7-7:15 in order to beat the heat. Unfortunately, there is no beating the humidity! Anyway, we load up in the car, drive down to one of the main roads in town, park in a strip mall parking lot, unload, get Robby all set up with bottle, sippy cup, paci, and about 3 or 4 different toys. Then, to get to the neighborhood where we like to walk, we have to go up this really big hill. The only thing that gets me up that hill is telling myself that at the end, I get to go down that hill and it will be much easier! I enjoy the neighborhood where we walk because it's nice and quiet with lots of trees and cul-d-sacs. So we walk in and out of every cul-d-sac and up and down every street. It makes me miss living in a neighborhood though. Where we lived in Amarillo had the most beautiful tree lined brick roads where we used to walk. This weekend we were driving around and I showed Tim where we walk. I told him all that I had observed of people in the various homes. After I was done he told me that I sounded like a creepy old lady! Haha! Usually by the end of our walk it's been about an hour and Robby has had quite enough. So we get back to the car, load back up and head home. When we get back home Robby goes in his Johnny jump up while I work on my arms and abs. By the time I'm done with that, it's naptime for Robby and time for me to get in the shower and get ready for the day. I love our morning walks. I don't listen to music or anything. My music is listening to Robby squeal and say "da-da", "hi", and "hey". It's the perfect way to start the day, even if that hill is trying to kill me!

Here are some pictures from our walk this morning. I thought it was cute how he was all lounged back.

This picture shows just how exhausting our walks are on Robby! Poor thing!

1 comment:

Catie said...

That sounds great, just wish Gus and I could join you and Robby :)