Thursday, August 2, 2012

Five months!

Well, my sweet doodle bug, you are five months old!  I really can't believe it.  The time is flying by and you are doing so much already!

This past month you took two big trips.  One was to Muleshoe to visit the Hawvers.  The other was to Arkansas to meet some of your extended family.  You did pretty well on the 12-13 hour road trips, but after about 9 hours you didn't want to be in the car anymore and let us know that!  Everyone loved getting to see you, especially your LaLa and Pa!  You even got to meet some of the people I went to high school with!  And you loved your time with Uncle Ryan, Aunt Natalie, and Graham!

You've been rolling for a couple of months already, but now you are rolling to get to things.  You roll to get to any toys, pacis or stuffed animals that are on your blanket or in your crib.  You can grab things really well.  When you were in Aunt Natalie's lap a week or so ago, you were looking at her finger then grabbed it and stuck it in your mouth so fast!  When you set your eyes on something, your goal is to get a hold of it and get it in your mouth!  At times, you are able to balance for a few seconds to sit on your own but you still have a little work to do before you will be sitting without any help.  Everyone is always impressed by your leg and core strength though.  The exersaucer and johnny-jump-up are your favorite things right now.  You hang out in those all the time!

You have the best laugh and your sweet smile is incredible!  You wake me up in the mornings with coos and jabbers over the the monitor.  Your sweet personality and generally happy demeanor make you a pretty easy baby.

You are beginning to get a little fat in your face and your legs...finally!  You are taking a 6oz bottle every 3-4 hours during the day and you go from 7-7 at night without eating.  A big thing you are doing right now is holding your own bottle.  Some of them are a little too heavy for you to support all by yourself but others you can handle very well.  Rice cereal was introduced to you a couple of weeks ago.  I was amazed at how well your tongue control was.  Now, you've had bananas as well.  Usually, you have food twice a day, after your morning bottle and before your bedtime bottle.  I had planned to wait until you were 5 or 6 months to give you any food but you were making it clear that you were hungry and ready to go ahead and start.

When you aren't in cloth diapers, you are in size 2 disposable diapers and you are in 0-3 month and 3-6 month clothes, just depending on what it is.  Shorts are 0-3 month but anything one piece is 3-6 (and some 6-9).  Shirts are generally 3-6 month.  You are skinny and long so it makes clothes a little difficult to fit on you.

Robby still absolutely adores you!  When y'all are in the car, you both giggle and squeal at each other.  He loves to help feed you and put on your shoes.  It melts my heart to see the smiles on each of your faces as you are playing together.  You two have quite the fun life together ahead of you!  I can't wait to see your friendship grow as you get older!

I love you so very much and am so thankful to be your mommy!  You are an incredible baby boy!

1 comment:

Catie said...

I LOVE all these pictures!!! Charlie is so precious and cute. Tell Charlie his Aunt Catie loves him very much :)