Saturday, March 2, 2013

Charlie is 1!

Yesterday our baby turned 1!  I can't believe we survived this year!  We had his party today with both sets of grandparents.  It was fun and out sweet boy had a blast!  I'm just going to prepare you that this post is really just a bunch of pictures.  I'm too tired to really write much!  :-)
Getting ready pictures
 Opening his present for Uncle Josh and Aunt Catie
 He loved the bear!
 Now from Uncle Willy and Aunt Darlene
 He loves it!
 A book that makes lots of animal noises from Grandma and Grandpa
 Sandbox from Grandma and Grandpa, barn toy from mommy and daddy, and musical ride on toy from LaLa and Pa!
 We tried to get grandparent pictures and this was the only one we got before he started screaming because he wanted down!
 Tim had to keep the tradition alive
 Love that sweet face!
Clean me, Daddy!
He started really walking on his own Thursday, so he wanted to show off his skills after he ate his cake!

We had a blast and were so blessed to be able to celebrate our baby boy with our parents!