Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fun with the grandparents

Two weeks ago, Tim's parents came for a visit. They spent lots of time cuddling with Charlie and playing with Robby!

We got out and looked at houses for them, which is something that I love to do so I was in heaven! :-)
Then, last week my parents were here. They also got lots of snuggles with Charlie and playtime with Robby. We went to the outlet mall one day and they got Robby some sunglasses. They have monkeys on the lenses!

He also enjoyed playing in the bed of my dad's truck!

Robby LOVED having so much attention from his grandparents. We are looking forward to their next visits!

Brother time

Robby is loving being a brother! If he hears Charlie fussing, he comes running to check on him. If I put Charlie on the floor, he wants to be next to him. He shares his blocks and lays his head next to him. I am so glad he is enjoying his "bebe" brother!

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First real outing on our own!

On Thursday, I decided I would do what I hadn't done yet - get out by myself with both the boys. I have gotten out in the car pretty much everyday but this was going to be the first time getting out of the car with them. I decided to start small. We just went to the Target just down the street from our house. I didn't have anything I HAD to get, so I felt it would be an easy trip. I think if I had a long list of things I needed, I might have gotten stressed. Charlie was sleeping, so that made it easier, too. I parked right next to a cart corral with a loan cart hanging out in it. I grabbed it and loaded up each kiddo. Everything went great. We just walked around and browsed for a whole. It felt good to get out and feel somewhat normal again.

Robby reached back in the cart and rocked Charlie's car seat most of the time we were there.

Whenever Charlie would make a noise in his sleep, Robby would yell "BEBE" very loud. He definitely kept all the workers entertained!

Zoo fun with cousins!

My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew are here for a visit.

So today we decided to go to the zoo. We knew it would be busy and hot but didn't expect it to be SO busy and SO hot! We circled the parking lot for 30 minutes before we found a spot!

This was our first outing in the double stroller. I've gone on some walks with it but we haven't gone anywhere with it.

Graham and Robby loved everything - especially the monkeys and fish!

Robby was able to pet a ferret!

We spent a good amount of time watching the ducks.

Then we needed to run around for a little while.

Charlie thoroughly enjoyed his first trip to the zoo!

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

2 Week appointment and an update

Charlie had his 2 week check up today.  I forgot to post about his appointment last week.  It wasn't a one week appointment, but rather a 3 day appointment after he was released from the hospital.  When Charlie was born, he was 6lb 13oz (2oz less than Robby when he was born).  When we left the hospital, he was 6lb 7oz (the same as Robby when we left the hospital).  At his appointment last Tuesday, he was 6lb 9oz.  We had some issues with him not wanting to eat once we got home, so the first day he really started eating was Monday when we decided that I would just pump and feed him.  Considering he pretty much was only eating for a day before that appointment, I was happy with the 2oz gain!  Today, he weighed 7lb on the dot!  They wanted him to be back up to his birthweight, and he had passed it!  He is (like his brother) in the low percentiles in height and weight, but he got a clean bill of health today.  He had to have that darn PKU test done.  He just cried out when they pricked him, but stopped right after.  Then he fell asleep for the next hour!

Charlie is really doing great!  He is definitely a lazy little guy, which is why we think he wasn't wanting to breastfeed.  He takes a bottle like a champ!  He is eating 3oz every 3-4 hours during the day and is going 4-5 hours at night.  He's not on a consistent time schedule yet, but we will start working on that next week or the week after.  He literally sleeps, eats, and poops.  Robby would sleep, eat, stay awake for an hour or two, then sleep again.  Charlie just doesn't like to do much other than sleep!

Tim has been off work since Charlie was born.  We have thoroughly enjoyed his paternity leave and we are both extremely bummed that he has to go back to work tomorrow.  Thankfully, he only has to go for the morning, then they are giving him the rest of the day and Friday off.  Robby has done wonderfully adjusting to having a baby brother.  In fact, he doesn't even notice most of the time.  When he walks in the room and sees Charlie he says "bebe" then goes about his playing.  He notices when he cries out or when we are in the car and he makes noises.  Other than that, life is normal for him.  He has definitely gotten spoiled having his daddy home though, that's for sure!

I'm doing very well.  My recovery this time has been so much easier than with Robby, and I thought it was pretty good with him!  Things that I thought were a normal part of recovery that I had before, I'm realizing were probably a little bit more on the extreme side.  Seriously, a day after having Charlie I was feeling like I felt 3 weeks after having Robby!  Thanks to such a quick and easy recovery, I have been able to enjoy Tim's time off work more than I would have otherwise.  We have been able to get out and do things and not be quite so homebound.  I'm solely pumping and feeding Charlie.  That wasn't the plan, but that is what works for him.  I'm not going to lie, I'm not heartbroken about it.  This sounds horrible, but I felt very isolated and lonely while I breastfed Robby.  I know that Charlie is getting what is best for him, the method of him getting it is just different.  Also, by doing it this way, I already have quite a bit of stock in the freezer!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Backyard Adventures!

Yesterday afternoon, Tim and Robby went outside to explore in the backyard. Robby LOVES the backyard and he knows the word. So, if you say it, he will go to the back door and raise his hands to go out. I thought it was just precious how they were sitting in the grass together and then Robby would walk off to find something to bring back to Tim. Here are a ton of pictures that pretty much look the same, but I knew grandparents would be able to appreciate the cuteness in all of them! :-)

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