Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
It's been a little while!
Tim has completed this semester, and passed everything! So he is a 2nd semester P3. We officially have only a year and half left. In January, he starts a six week rotation, then has six weeks off, then another six week rotation, THEN he starts rotations full time (9-5, M-F) from May 09-May 10. It was so wonderful to just spend time together this weekend without the stress of him having to study or work on school work. We watched movies Friday and Saturday night. On Saturday, we just got out and drove around in some of the fun neighborhoods around here and went to several stores just to be around the hustle and bustle of the weekend before Christmas! Then last night, we got together with some of our friends from Church and my Bible study. The husbands played video games and the wives played Chicken Foot. It was so fun!
This week, I only have to work two days (Praise the Lord!). The doctor I work for always goes to Thailand for 3 weeks in December/January to visit his family and it is so nice that it falls right at Christmas and New Year's. So, we don't have any patients to see, just phones to answer! Tim is working several days this week at the CVS. On Wednesday, I plan to get out (because I'm crazy like that) and go to grocery store to get everything for our Christmas dinner and I might even decide to go to Target, just to walk around and enjoy that wonderful Target smell (by that, I mean the smell of the Target popcorn I will be carrying around!). After Tim gets off work, we will go to our church's Christmas Eve service. I am looking forward to that.
Next week, I just work Monday and Tuesday, also. So, after I get off work on Tuesday, we are headed to NWA to see my family. My parents have surprised us with a trip to Branson for us and my brother and sister-in-law. We will head up there Wednesday afternoon and come back Friday evening. We are looking forward to shopping and relaxing. I consider anytime I get to stay in a hotel room a vacation...I'm pretty sure I get that from my mom! We will head back home on Saturday, then normal life starts back again. I'm already thinking of when the soonest I could take a vacation in January bad is that?!
I will try to post again before Christmas, but if I don't, Tim and I wish a very merry Christmas to you and your families. We pray you remember the true reason for the season, as we celebrate the birth of our glorious Savior! Enjoy a time of reflection on that very first Christmas.

Monday, December 8, 2008
'Tis the season for Christmas parties!
The guys, fellowshippin'!
All the wonderful food!
Wednesday I have my office Christmas party, Friday we have our CPFI Christmas party, Saturday I have a Christmas Tea with the SS ladies, and at some point we have the CVS Christmas party...have I mentioned that I LOVE Christmas?!
Oh and we are totally supposed to get snow tonight! This will be the first snow this winter, which is really odd here. If I wake up and there is no white stuff on the ground, I am going to be disappointed!

Us with Ethan
Lizzie with her Uncle Tim
We had just found out the turkey was done!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Name this item...
Ok, so you would think that since it's on a pan, it must be something edible, right?! Wrong!! It is an oven mitt that didn't even go into the oven. It went in the drawer under the oven, you know the one to store extra pans in...if you have an electric stove!! If you have a gas stove (like we do), things like rubber and wooden handled things should NOT go in that drawer. I had stacked two pans on top of each other with an oven mitt in between them and put them in that "drawer". Tim decided while I was at work to heat up the oven to make something and the whole house filled with the horrid smell of burning rubber. And that marvelous smell did not leave our house for a good 3 days! Unfortunately, I cannot say this is the first time I did this. The last time I had stored our grill spatula in the drawer and the wooden handle on it actually caught fire. Finally, after this happening twice (ok, three times!), I decided to take everything out of it. You know what I found? A removable piece of metal with the words "Not for storage" underneath! Now they tell me!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...after a near tragedy!
Friday, November 21, 2008
What a gassy boy!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Our Guest Room
You know I can't end this post without some pictures of the dogs! Here you go:
I am so sorry this picture is sideways, it is not nearly as funny. You must tilt your head sideways so that you can see that Leo is sitting like a person!
Here is Annie in her new sweater right after she ate a pack of gum that Tim left out!
Long Shory Stort
But, long shory stort, Roto-Rooter came today and took care of the problem. So, if you decide to come visit us, you can totally use the bathroom!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Oh, Leo!

Thursday, November 13, 2008
And I was doing so well...
I am so excited about Christmas being around the corner. It is all I can do to not go ahead and decorate now! I love the whole "feeling" of Christmas. Christmas was NEVER about gifts when I was growing up, and I am so grateful to my parents for making it like that. We always did a Christmas advent and read the Christmas story before doing anything on Christmas day. I hope our children grow up knowing that we observe Jesus' birthday on Christmas and that is really what it's all about. What am I doing talking about all'll hear enough about it from me next month!
My parents came this weekend and brought the rest of my great-grandmother's furniture to finish off the guest bedroom. I am using the dresser as my desk now, and it looks so good in there! My great-grandmother, Grandma Pug, is the one who first started my love of cooking. The first thing I ever made was in her kitchen. She was so special to me and I miss her very much.
Well, I'm sorry this post is rather boring. We really need some excitement around here!! :-)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Baby, It's Cold Outside!

This is why our dogs are not allowed to go outside when it rains...our backyard turns into a mud pit!

'Tis the season for Annie's sweater! Poor girl just goes around the house shivering.

Leo likes to watch the rain just like his mommy! (Note the cardboard, thanks to his excitement last week)
And not a single picture!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A great weekend!

"I hate when he takes out the trash and doesn't let me go with him!"

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Oh, the joy of chewies!

They just love their chewies!